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Socio-economic development through
community empowerment

Objective: To improve the socio-economic conditions (quality of living) of rural communities in 20 villages under Dasauli development block of Chamoli District in Uttarakhand State. 7185 beneficiaries will become self-sufficient through increased agricultural cultivation, livestock production, income Generation activities by obtaining the benefits of Government schemes. They will also be able to protect their lives and assets during the occurrence of any natural calamities.


Project Location : 20 Villages of Dasauli Block, Chamoli Gospeshwar.


Project Donor: Manos Unidas, Spain

Inclusive Development of the Children and Youngsters with Disability

Objective: To contribute a world that is open for everyone, and in which children and youngsters with disabilities who live in poverty can develop and use their talents. The children adopted are given medical, educational, social and livelihood support to cope up with their disabilities and integrate themselves in the main stream of the society. Form DPO, SHG, CBIG groups to empower the PWDs and to fight for their rights.


Project Location : Bhikkawala, Kalheri, Kiratpur, Kotkadar, Laldhang, Mandawar, Mandawali,  Nangalapithora, Padampur, Timarpur, Veerbhanwala, Palana Bhavan and Prem Dham


Project Donor: Stitching Liliane Fonds, the Netherlands through

Jan Vikas Samiti, Varanasi

Building Community Resilience for Promoting peace & Social Integration in Western Uttar Pradesh, India (SAMVAAD). 

Objective: To contribute in strengthening social peace and social integration in selected districts of western Uttar Pradesh. 12 villages of Najibabad Block of Bijnor District have been selected for this project. The selected gram panchayats will be functioning effectively, efficiently and collectively for the welfare of all communities without religious bias with focus on wash activities, participation of youth to create awareness in favor of peace and communal harmony. The project also aims at formation of Citizen Forum for handling emergency situation and obtaining the benefits of Government sponsored schemes through participatory approach by forming CBOs etc.


Project Location : Najibabad Block


Project Donor: Missio Germany/Caritas India

Sustainable development of rural vulnerable communities of Ram Ganga area

Objective: Reduction in poverty of rural poor community living in 15 villages of two development blocks namely Afzalgarh and Kotwali in Bijnor Districts of Uttar Pradesh and improvement in their ability for sustainable livelihood and socio-economic changes.


Project Location :Empowering Rural Women through enhancing their skill for Socio-Economic development in Bheevar wala station Chamoli District of Uttarakhand Project Donor: UJVNL (CSR Project)-Uttarakhand Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited 


Project Donor: Manos Unidas, Spain

Livelihood and Food Security with Good Governance & Localized Farming Systems (SAKSHAM)

Objective:  Stronger demands by empowered and capacitated community collectives for the realization of welfare and development entitlements for 60,000 households and greater accountability and transparency in governance and scheme administration.
Greater sustainability and resilience to farming and food systems contributing to greater Agriculture  Sovereignty and Food & Nutrition and Livelihood Security of 40,000households.


Project Location  : 14 Villages of Najibabad Block, Nawada Bijnor.


Project Donor: Misserior Germany/ Caritas India

Women Empowerment through Access to Livelihood and Rights and Entitlements (SAFAL)

Objective:  :     Empowered most marginalized Communities especially women in order to realize their quality of living. 


Project Location   :  8 Villages of Mandawar


Project Donor: Misserior / Uttar Kshetriya Samaj Vikas Kendra (Uksvk)

Community- Based sustainable Livelihood Development (TIMARPUR)

Objective: Improved living condition of 1500 weaker sections  families by sustainable agriculture, secured employment, livestock production and obtaining the benefits of the government schemes in 20 villages of Mohamedpur Devmal block in Bijnor district.


Project Location: 20 villages of Mohamedpur Devmal block in Bijnor district..


Project Donor: Manos Unidas, Spain

Socio-economic development through community empowerment


To improve the Socio-Economic conditions (quality of living) of rural communities in 20 villages under Dasauli development block of Chamoli District in Uttarakhand State. 7185 Beneficiaries will become self-sufficient through increased agricultural cultivation, livestock production and other income generation activities by obtaining the benefits of Government schemes. They will also be able to protect their lives and assets during the occurrence of any natural calamities.


Project Location   :  

20 Villages of Dasauli Block, Chamoli​


Sustainable Livelihood development of Rural Vulnerable communities of Bhikkawala

Objective:  Improve the ability in Sustainable Livelihood developmentReduction in poverty of rural poor community living in 15 villages of Afzalgarh in Bijnor District and improvement in their ability for sustainable livelihood and socio-economic changes. Improved living condition of 700 weaker sections families by secured employment, increased agriculture, and livestock production and obtaining benefits of government schemes in 15 villages of Afzalgarh in Bijnor district.


Project Location   :  20 villages of Afzalgarh Block in Bhikkawala


Project Donor: Manos Unidas, Spain

Prathiskandan Samuday - Resilient Community (Disability inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction)

Objective:  Enhancing the disaster resilience of the 1000 Vulnerable community members, including 250 Persons with disabilities and their family members (including at least 40% women and women with disabilities), of 15 gram Panchayats (GPs) of Bhilangana block in Tehri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand, India by 2024. It includes primarily, Disablity inclusive disaster preparedness and response capacity of local communities and community disaster management centres are strengthened. Secondly, Impact of local hazards and risk factors is reduced as per the vulnerability capacity assessment (VCA) findings in the target communities through livelihood basket assessment, capacity building trainings, installation of early warning systems, trainings on DiDRR, formation of OPDs and FPO, and finally, Climate Change adaptation actions strengthened with Community participation

Project Location   :  Bhilangana Block, Ghansali Tehsil


Project Donor- CBM India Trust

Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihood Development of Poor Families


Improved living condition of 1000 downtrodden families

by secured employment, increased agriculture, livestock production and obtaining benefits of government schemes in 15 villages of Kiratpur development in Bijnor district.


Project Location   :  

15 villages of kiratpur development block (rural area) of Najibabad subdistrict in Bijnor district of Uttar Pradesh State, India


Project Donor: Manos Unidas, Spain


Access to vocational education and improvement of employment perspectives for poor youths in Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh, India

Access to vocational education and improvement of employment perspectives for poor youths in Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh, India

Objective: This is to help 605 unemployed youths to receive a high-quality, affordable and demand-oriented vocational education and there by improve their employment perspectives. 


Project Location : Pauri Garhwal District of Uttarakhand & Bijnor District of Uttar Pradesh.

Objective: This is to help 605 unemployed youths to receive a high-quality, affordable and demand-oriented vocational education and there by improve their employment perspectives. 


Project Location : Pauri Garhwal District of Uttarakhand & Bijnor District of Uttar Pradesh.

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