The society is involved in the development of socio-economically deprived communities. Today, Society’s main focus is on developing the effective community participation for self-sustainability. The Society is a capacity building institute working for socially marginalized sections and committed to make a difference in their lives.

President's Message
Looking back into the corridor of time, the involvement of Karuna Social Service Society (KSSS) in the lives of people has steadily grown to mark a difference from its early stages till this date. The very name, ‘Karuna’, means ‘compassion’ – an empathy that flows from the values of Gospel to make each one among the beneficiary community to feel the ‘Sacredness in Living’ as the children of God. KSSS, the Social Service Wing of Catholic Diocese Bijnor, started touching the lives of the needy, the marginalized and the downtrodden in the six districts of Uttarakhand namely Uttarakashi, Chamoli, Pauri, Rudraprayag, Tehri and Haridwar along with Bijnor of Uttar Pradesh before its inception 29thApril 1982. The society, envisioned to form a “just society, where, through a process of self awareness, people are enabled to build themselves together for their total liberation.” All throughout the history, KSSS upheld the Gospel values of equality, dignity of every human being, liberation through empowerment and skill integrated education, sustenance and nurture through livelihood expansion, frontier in rehabilitating the victims of natural calamities and finally, the profound inclusion of ‘people with disabilities’ in all its developmental approaches.
All our approaches leverage the human potential to achieve the higher level of goals; primarily personal integration into the wider human society by utilizing the fullest human potential and the next is becoming a contributing member in the integrated national development. This multi-faceted aim is being taken shape in our interventions as the primary beneficiaries engage into productive activities through initiatives designed for building capacity and capability of each individual with the help of all supporting agencies. These interventions change the quality of life in the project areas; thus development.
We have come a long way now asserting our valuable existence in the lives of people in this hilly region. Our audaciousness has touched the lives of many people who are less fortunate and deprived of opportunities. Let’s join our hands together towards a better tomorrow.

Director's Message

I deem it as a great privilege and opportunity to pen a few lines down being in capacity of the director at Karuna Social Service Society (KSSS), an organization belongs to the Catholic Diocese of Bijnor. With extreme delight, we state that KSSS has succeeded to be a centre of “Karuna – the very word means Compassion” – the core value of its existence during the journey over forty years after its registration till date. Over these forty years of its existence, KSSS has created its own space in the heart of the neediest people especially who are financially less fortunate and down trodden, by becoming a hope for the hopeless, path for the lost, source of wisdom for those kept away from gaining knowledge and wisdom, light for those living in darkness. The prompt and heartfelt interventions by KSSS during the disasters in Garhwal region of Uttarakahand in the past years created an ambiance among the people that KSSS indeed is the ‘plethora of Karuna, - the compassion’.
As in its progressive and developmental journey from inception till date, KSSS, being the fountain of ‘Karuna’ creates implementation interventions based on the need of the time; from being a welfare organization to a capacity building organization. All our trainings focus on the empowerment of the people that they live in God given ‘creative-abundance,’ especially those who are marginalized, set aside and pushed out to the peripherals of the human society with whatsoever reasons given in human existential history. By following the core – Gospel values, KSSS believes in human equality, educate the constitutional rights and privileges along with one’s obligations to the nation.
KSSS, as implementing its core values, educating the deprived children from formal education, impart knowledge through non-formal education in various villages. The vocational trainings focused on equipping the youth with skills for employment; thus livelihood. We promote holistic well-being of the weaker sections of the society, especially the women, children and the people with disabilities through various income generation programmes. All methods utilized and implemented have enhanced the livelihood income of the marginalized farmers living in the villages. The executed IGP programmes have created an environment for the improvement in the living standards of these small farmers, who, otherwise at the verge of migration.
We envisioned to create an inclusive and just society where mutual respect prevails, freedom flourishes and so as equality and justice escalated. This just society includes people of all walks; our disability inclusive programmes, ensure dignity, care and importance for the differently abled personnel living in our community together, as foreseen in creating ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ – the world is one family.
We are honoured with wonderful partners from different parts of the world for attaining our envisioned Gospel values, i.e. the just society. The incessant support and cooperation from all our partners and well-wishers has made each day, closer to this dream. We always remain indebted to all our generous hearts at all times.
Let’s work together for an ideal society where each one genuinely feels the preciousness of life – leading the life of the child of God. This disposition will remind us that we are brothers and sisters to each one, irrespective of all human divergences – the constitutional value of our great nation. Let the motto of KSSS be ringing in each of our hearts, “Together towards a Better Tomorrow.”